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Who we areWhat we do

What We Do

Mission StatementServicesUniformed GroupsWeddingsBaptismFunerals

Mission Statement

Our purpose is to worship God and, helped by the Holy Spirit, to love each other, to care for those in need and to share the love of Jesus with those in the community around us. We will do this as a church that seeks inclusion and challenges exclusion.

At St John's Methodist Church we value the wide range of people and groups who make up our church life. We invite everyone to come and explore their faith through a range of worship services, as well as short courses and study groups.

We try to build an inclusive church through sharing together socially, having fun and caring for one another.

We look to focus on the needs of people in the community around us and in the wider world so that, through our actions, others may be touched by the love of God.

We are an active church that seeks to discover God at work in our lives and in the lives of others.

Through worship, learning, caring and in sharing the love of Jesus, we look to become His disciples. We are active as Christians in the local community and many groups find a home in our wonderful modern premises.

Whether you are visiting us through the website or at the church itself, I pray that you will glimpse something of the life we share in Christ, and that you may share that life too.


A traditional act of worship is celebrated on Sundays at 10.30am and Tuesdays at 10.30am.

The main celebration of the Week is on Sunday at 10.30am and is led by a variety of ministers and local preachers, lasting about an hour. Children are present for the first part of the service and there is usually an all age talk. The service consists of hymns and modern songs, prayers, Bible readings and a 15-20 minute talk about the readings or other Christian themes. Music is led by the choir and congregation and always accompanied by the organ, piano or worship band.

Sunday pm Special Occasional Services as Advertised

Tuesday 10.30am Short informal Worship service

Uniformed Groups

The church supports long-established uniformed organisations for children and young people and a number of community groups use our premises.

Regular activities are listed below.

Monday To be advised

Tuesday To be advised

Tuesday To be advised

Wednesday Rainbows 18.00 - 19.00

Wednesday Guides 19.00 - 21.30

Wednesday Brownies 18.00 - 20.00

Wednesday Rainbows 19.00 - 21.00


The Methodist Church believes that marriage is a gift of God and that it is God's intention that a marriage should be a life-long union in body, mind and spirit of one man and one woman. The Methodist Church welcomes everyone, whether or not a member, who enquires about an intended marriage.

The minister will be delighted to explore with couples the nature of Christian marriage, help them through the wedding day and offer pastoral support thereafter.

A date and agreement to marry the couple will only be made after the couple have made an arrangement to meet with the minister for an initial interview.

At this interview, the minister will:

  • explain the registration procedure
  • advise the couple of the fees
  • explore the appropriateness of the intended marriage in the Methodist Church
  • explain the need to meet the couple on about three separate occasions before the wedding to explore Christian marriage and to discuss the content of the service.


The Methodist Church baptises (Christens) babies and young children. Usually this takes place in the 10:30 service. The minister will want to meet the parents and explain the significance of Christian baptism, before agreeing a date. This is usually after the parents have met with one of our members, to see the church and make some initial enquiries about Christian baptism.

A 'Thanksgiving' means that babies and children receive a blessing and parents are invited to offer thanks to God for their child. Baptism would then take place when the child is older.

How do I go about having my child Baptised or Blessed?

  1. Contact the minister by phone 01922 475083 or click to email.
  2. The minister will refer you to a church member who will meet you at the church and answer your initial enquiries.
  3. The minister will meet you to explain Christian baptism or thanksgiving and set a date for the service.


The death of a loved one is a distressing and bewildering time. One might feel a complex array of emotions and the process of organising the funeral is one more concern. Together with the funeral director, the minister and church will guide you through the funeral service and support you in the days and years to come.

What should I do if I want to arrange a funeral in St John's Methodist Church?

  1. Contact a funeral director in the first instance
  2. The funeral director will contact the minister and arrange for the church and minister to be available
  3. The minister will call you to arrange a visit
  4. The minister will be concerned for your grief and listen to your needs
  5. The minister will discuss your requirements in the funeral service: suitable hymns, readings, music, flowers, orders of service and any other requests you may have
  6. The minister will discuss with you the content of a tribute to your loved one within the service.
  7. On the day of the funeral, the minister will meet you at the church and conduct the service with reverence in accordance with your wishes and the discussion which took place at the visit.
  8. Following the funeral, the minister will be glad to keep in touch and visit you according to your needs